Secret Spots Web App

A Pixel Mountain Creative project Secret Spots Web App hero image

Jun 2024 — 1 min read

Secret Spots is a web app built with SvelteKit and Firebase that allows users to keep a personal logbook of their favourite locations with a maps API, and record descriptions and notes of various visits to the location. The app was built by the Pixel Mountain team to showcase some more advanced features available for client projects, suchs as user authentication, database integration, and API usage.

Secret Spots is a full-stack project conceptualised and realised end-to-end by the Pixel Mountain team, from design to deployment. The app is built with a responsive design that works on all devices, and features a clean, intuitive user interface built from the ground up that makes it easy for users to add, edit, and delete locations and visits. The app also includes a search feature that allows users to quickly find locations by name or description. Users can customise their experience through a settings page that allows them to change their name, email, and password.

Pixel Mountain is proud to present Secret Spots as an example of the high-quality, custom web applications we can build for clients looking to take their online presence to the next level.

See the project